Monday, February 21, 2011

Development, where mankind always wanted. Human nowadays cannot live without development because it gives a lot of ease to them in their daily life. But do they realize that the ease that the get actually harms their own home or in other word "The Earth"?
The Earth is having a serious problem due to mankind activities in development. Some of the problems is the common one which is the Global Warming. Mankind is now the number one cause of all the destruction happening on Earth. As well as trying to destroy each other on the battle-field, we are the cause of a series of other disasters, beginning with the industrial exploitation of the resources of the Earth. This has become especially bad since the population of the Earth has trippled in the last fifty years to a point which, even with more efficient means of distribution, there is simply not enough food to go around. This is what we called DEVELOPMENT LEADS TO DESTRUCTION.